There are numerous useful Runescape help sites available on the internet, however, it is not practical to be able to search each one individually when trying to find what you want. This is the reason why I have started a Runescape Search Engine that I believe will enable all runescape players to find whatever they desire about runescape.
The idea is that over time I will ensure only quality runescape help sites are included in the runescape search engine. This means any query within Jagex rules should easily be resolved by browsing the results or entering more specific search criteria to get what you need.
It is much better than the previous runescape community search that I was using as the new search will be taking results from websites that I include in the index whereas the previous search was taking results from the whole web, many of which were not relevant to runescape users.
An additional benefit is that any user can simply type the word they are want to find help on without the need to have runescape in front of it - this can bring much better results in context (although sometimes it may be required to put runescape in front of a query if the results are not specific enough to resolve your isssues).
Hopefully all runescape players will see an enormous benefit from adding my new runescape search engine to their favourites list (bookmarking it or whatever), and using it anytime they have a specific runescape query.
Happy surfing and scaping (or surfscaping).
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Runescape Search Engine
New Site Name and Testing new Search
I have now restructured my original help site and relaunched it on its own domain name.
The new site can be found at :
The new runescape search facility is part of Google Co-Op and adds to what was previously being used as now I can add and remove the sites that should contain all the results that runescape players want.
The added control that is offered by the Co-Op enables me to ensure results are better suited to the community needs and wishes and enables me to exclude sites that are obviously of no use whatsoever.
As I add and refine the pages and sites to include in the results of the community search, they will become much more useful.
In addition, on my new runescape help site any player wishing to write any runescape guides can simply register and submit their guide for approval. Again, over time this will enable my own site to much better handle the requirements of the runescape player community.
ps. Remember to bookmark my new help site -
pps. Remember to tell your friends about my new site as well so that they can contribute any guides they may want to make as well.
Since Jagex announced EoC I let the domain name expire and as such the main site is no longer live. There is a host of other runescape fan sites containing a wealth of information that need user participation to continue being useful to the runescape community. A friend has started a wiki site dedicated to 07 runescape at and I am sure will gladly accept any help building up the site content.