Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dark Bow Not Yet Obtained

Since Jagex released the Dark Bow into Runescape I have spent plenty of time fighting at the Dark Beasts in pursuit of a Bow. However, as yet, almost one week later I still have not been fortunate enough to get a Dark Bow in a drop.

According to almost everyone else I have spoken to during my week or so fighting the Dark Beasts, I must have the worst luck in runescape. Almost everyone else has had multiple drops (ranging from 2 - 12).

Initially I had hoped to get a few drops and be able to sell at a higher price. However, as time has passed by and I still haven't managed to get even one in a drop, the price has been the only thing dropping. It is almost at the point where it will be pointless selling should I be lucky enough to get a drop soon.

Maybe next week.

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