Since the launch of RuneScape membership cards in the USA, there has been an increased demand for them from other countries. Jagex are gradually rolling out solutions for many countries with different options for paying, but the cards seem to be the one with growing popularity.
The membership cards have various different lengths of subscription ranging from 1 month - 12months. You can buy them from the Jagex store (you need to select either the EU store or the USA store). The list price on the store doesn't include postage and packaging... so that will be added to the cost.
An alternative type of card to use is the Ultimate Game Card
The ultimate game card is available in many shops across different countries and is one option for people who are unable to use any of the other types of payment method available.
Eventually, Jagex may be able to roll out their own runescape membership cards to other countries - but this will depend on demand for them. Afterall, Jagex is a company and they wouldn't be able to afford to sell the cards if it is going to cost them money.
The stores should stock 30-day and 90-day cards, but I have no idea how many places actually sell them. If you want the longer version direct from the Jagex store itself, you will need to select the right store.
The EU store (UK cards) is at Jagex EU Store
The USA store is at Jagex USA Store
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Runescape Memership Cards
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Runescape Videos
Many runescape players enjoy making videos to document their ingame activities and to share the experience with other players. This isn't new and has been done my people before youtube was used.
There are many video hosts that enable players to upload and share their game experiences easily, although yotube is likely the most popular - it is also easy for webmasters to embed video content into their websites that help spread the popularity of runescape.
Any player wishing to make their own runescape video should be aware that they should only ever upload videos that are within Jagex rules, otherwise they may risk their youtube account along with their actual runescape account.
I do have plans to try and get a lot more good runescape videos onto my blogs and main runescape help site - although real life has left things very hectic for me and development is not as fast as I would ideally hope. Maybe some players out there would like to help me get achieving this goal by providing some regular videos they wish to share.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
New Runescape Frontpage
Many people will be aware of the new RuneScape frontpage and will quickly get used to it. Although I have never really found the site to be very user friendly and normally found any help required at other fan sites and just experimented myself.
I have also noticed a lot of so called fan sites have adapted the look and feel of the old runescape main page - which is why I am posting this. All runescape players should make sure they are on the main site before entering their username and password, otherwise your account will have been compromised.
The updated look of the runescape site has not been reflected in my own runescape help site as I still do not have the time to continue its development, although I have had many ideas for different types of sites. One of the ideas is to consolidate all my runescape blogs into a subdomain of my main site and use it for regular tips and informative blog topics that I come across.
If the consolidated blog did become a reality, then I would likely post even less frequently on the curret blogs - as it can become too demanding to update 10+ blogs compared to updating one consolidated blog. Originally I was planning to have several small and focussed blogs that interlinked when relevant - though that has not done me any favours as I find it harder to make some posts when I want. Consequently, there have been few updates in most of my blogs as I have struggled to get the posts that fit close enough to the intended theme.
Anyway, the more I write on this post the more I am convinced I should look at one consolidated blog and then just build from there. Hopefully I will get things moving along quickly next month.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Dark Bow Not Yet Obtained
Since Jagex released the Dark Bow into Runescape I have spent plenty of time fighting at the Dark Beasts in pursuit of a Bow. However, as yet, almost one week later I still have not been fortunate enough to get a Dark Bow in a drop.
According to almost everyone else I have spoken to during my week or so fighting the Dark Beasts, I must have the worst luck in runescape. Almost everyone else has had multiple drops (ranging from 2 - 12).
Initially I had hoped to get a few drops and be able to sell at a higher price. However, as time has passed by and I still haven't managed to get even one in a drop, the price has been the only thing dropping. It is almost at the point where it will be pointless selling should I be lucky enough to get a drop soon.
Maybe next week.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Dark Bow and Dragon Arrows
The Jagex announcement for June updates for runescape has been met with some anticipation by me in particular considering I have 90+ slayer and will be able to hunt for the Dark Bow. Although I am nowhere near the level 83 hunter skill requirement to catch the dragon implings - this is likely how dragon arrows will be gained.
As with each new item runescape introduces, the price will be highest for the first 7-10 days and then will gradually start falling down as more items come into the game and the demand falls. Hopefully I will be able to get a few of the Dark Bows and that I can get my hunter skill up to the requirement.
I am still looking to put together some runescape bloggers and have noted some decent blogs that have recently started (or rather that I recently discovered). There are many opportunities for people to get into writing blogs on runescape (or gaming in general) - and they can monetize their site if they seek out different methods to monetize them.
Anyway, to finish off, hopefully there is some real use for both dark bows and dragon arrows when they come into the game rather than just taking up another bank space.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Shoutbox Added
I have added a shoutbox to the forums so that members who are logged in will be able to chat between themselves (and to me) when I am online.
The forums themselves are not being used as much as was anticipated - afterall, I was asked by a few members to install some forums and am left wondering why those members who requested them haven't used them.
Anyway, I will push forward with working on more runescape guides and I am likely to make basic guides initially. The reason is so each section can be filled with basic information initially and anyone who wants to be a guide writer can help to improve existing guides etc.
This way, more information is available for all runescape players and it should help make the site overall much more useful.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Runescape Co-Founder Andrew Gower Interview
Runescape recently hit 1 million paying subscribers and seems to go from strength to strength in the MMORPG game industry. It is a lucrative market and is showing signs of crossing into the marketing plans of many major industries as the world takes their lives into virtual environments.
I came across this Andrew Gower Interview about runescape and its future. It is an interesting read for the runescape demographic in some regard. I have also noticed that runescape came about through his exposure to text based MUDs - I also discovered text based MUDs while at university and did look at creating one myself (although at the time I asked myself the same questions about making it different to all the others - I settled on keeping it generic as I was not really that much into the programming side of things).
Anyway, nowadays I am getting more into the programming aspect - well more into websites rather than applications development - although I do have the intention of being able to get learning some of the web development technologies available today.
The interview is a rare interview and as Andrew stated they are concentrating more on the product than the marketing - so I wouldn't expect many more interviews to be surfacing. It does prove that they are still 100% focussed on developing the actual game itself and that has to be good news for all runescape players.
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3:02 PM
Labels: runescape, runescape affiliates, runescape merchandise, runescape updates